Is there a guarantee on my product(s)?
For all items you purchase from us, the legal warranty applies. Legal guarantee means that a product is or must do what the consumer can reasonably expect of it. This applies to both the wallpaper and accessories.
All our wallpaper is made to measure, both the photo wallpaper with your own photo and the standard images. It is not possible to return the wallpaper with your own photo. We cannot sell this anymore. However, if you are not satisfied with the photo wallpaper with your own photo, please contact us for a reasonable solution. The photo wallpaper with the standard images is still possible for us to sell, despite the fact that it is specially made to measure. You have the right to return the wallpaper.
The wallpaper I received is damaged or it's not okay.
We strive for excellent quality. Our wallpaper is printed on high quality and strong PVC-free non-woven wallpaper. We print with non-scented water-based inks. If there are any problems with the wallpaper, we will find a suitable solution. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. It is possible that something has happened to your product during the production process or during transport. It is also possible that the image is not printed sharply enough. We advise you to check that everything is in order as soon as your product arrives. Roll out the wallpaper on the floor and see if it has been printed as you have indicated. Put the panels in order and check whether the print matches the image on the website. Check any ordered accessories.
For our products there is a review period of 14 days. If you are not satisfied with your product you can return it. You should be careful with the wallpaper and when returning the wallpaper please return it in original packaging if reasonably possible. The product must be complete and undamaged. Do not forget to mention your name, address and telephone number. Also, the order number and the number of your bank account must be stated.
Send the article to:
Walldelivery BV
Tilbury 8 3897 AC, Zeewolde
The Netherlands
I received my wallpaper but unfortunately this doesn't look like the picture. What can I do with this?
We're sorry to hear you're not satisfied with the wallpaper. Could you send a mail with a picture to [email protected].. Then we will gladly help you further and look for a suitable solution.